2015-01-10 09:24:44 UTC
Holocaustisatuun uskovien mielestä natsit murhanhimossaan kaasuttivat
juutalaisten lisäksi muitakin, esim mustalaisia, mutta nämäkin kaasutukset
ovat tietysti kommunistipopagandaa, oikeasti syöttivät mustalaisille
suklaata ja sairaalassa yrittivät sairaustuneita hoitaa, jne, siis niitä
harvoja jotka ylipäätään leiritettiin
x x x clip x x x
Starting on 3 October 1991, at the Auschwitz State Museum at
Auschwitz-Birkenau, an international conference was held on the topic of the
persecution of the Gypsies during the Second World War. The related papers
were published in 1998 in a book entitled Sinti und Roma im KL
Auschwitz-Birkenau 1943-44. Vor dem Hintergrund ihrer Verfolgung unter der
Naziherrschaft [Sinti and Roma in the Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp
1943-44. Against the Background of Their Persecution under Nazi
The volume, a compilation of 26 reports and a specific bibliography of 436
works, is an indispensable instrument for studying the matter.
The initial "specific" estimate of the number of Gypsies allegedly
exterminated under the National Socialist regime - 219,700 persons - was
adopted in 1972 by Donald Kenrick and Grattan Puxon in the book The Destiny
of Europe's Gypsies.[2] The "official" figure of 500,000 victims[3] was
subsequently imposed. This figure, in fact, appears in the above-mentioned
work[4], perhaps with a very wide range of variation-200,000-500,000[5] and
even 240,000-500,000-1,000,000.[6]
x x x
Yllä siis taas sitä holocaustisatuun uskovien "arvotaan seuraava uhriluku"
olevaa "kunnossa olevaa kirjanpitoa". Ja tuossa alla faktaa.
x x x
And Franciszek Piper once again called attention to Rudolf Höss's statement
that Gypsies of pure race, "as descendents of the primordinal Indo-Germanic
peoples in Hungary, in the region of Ödenburg (Sopron), should be
transferred to the region of Lake Neusiedl. In the future, after the
victory, it would be necessary to search for a new territory of settlement
for them."[13]
x x x
Jos olisi kaasutettu tai muuten tapettu, niin mihin tuota uutta asuinaluetta
olisi tarvittu??
x x x
The following persons shall be excluded from internment:
1. Sinti and Lalleri Gypsies of pure race;
2. Gypsy crossbreeds who are good crossbreeds in the Gypsy sense and
according to the decree of the Reichssicherheitshauptamt of 13.10.1942 - V A
2 no. 2260/42 - and 11.1.43 - V A 2 Nr. 40/43 - shall be integrated with
selected Sinti Gypsy families of pure race and Lalleri families considered
of pure race;
3. Socially adapted persons who had fixed employment and a fixed primary
habitation prior to registration of the Gypsies; [...]
6. Gypsy persons who are still engaged in their military service or who, in
the current war, have been discharged from military service as invalids or
with decorations".
x x x
Sintit ja lallerit siis vapautettiin leirittämisestä koska puhdasta rotua.
Samoin monta muutakin vapauttamisperustetta.
x x x
These orders categorically disprove the allegation that the Gypsies were the
object of racial persecution. Thus, "racial purity" was, for them, even a
guarantee of favorable treatment. The measures taken in their regard were
not inhumane, and are not consistent with a presumed intention to commit
x x x
Helena Kubica stresses that the Gypsies at Auschwitz, at least in theory,
were not treated as inmates, but as "internees who were to remain there only
until the end of the war, and their conditions were initially better than
those of the other inmates". This was particularly true with regard to food
for children.
x x x
Mustalaisia siis kohdeltiin paremmin kuin muita leiritettyjä, lapsillekin
suorastaan tuputettiin ruokaa.
x x x
The response to this letter came from Himmler's chancery on 15 April 1943
and was signed by Dr. Brandt:
'With regard to your request of 9.4.1943, I inform you that the
Reichsführer-SS has decided that both pregnant Gypsies lodged [at Auschwitz]
and their children must receive the food due to the eastern workers. For the
children, there is a need to find a suitable middle way according to the
regulations on eastern workers.'"[16]
Himmler's directive did not just remain on paper.
"In addition to better food and apart from the possibility of remaining
together with their mothers, in the autum of 1943, at the request of the
Gypsy camp physician, Dr. Josef Mengele, a nursery school was created in
Barracks 29 and 31 along with a day nursery for children up to the age of 6
at the same time. Barracks 29 was intended for unweaned babies, while
Barracks 31 was reserved for babies who already knew how to walk. In the
interval from [ages] 8 to 14, several hundred children were attended to by
staff consisting of inmates."[17]
x x x
Helena Kubica then adds that,
"based on a Himmler order, the children in the nursery were to receive a
special diet: milk, butter, white bread, broth or even marmalade and
x x x
Siis raskaana olevista naisista ja lapsista pidettiin hyvää huolta, koska
itse Himmler niin määräsi. Mutta eipä hänkään mitään sille mahtanut, että
tautiepidemiat riehui vastatoimista huolimatta.
x x x
Starting in mid-May, the entire camp was disinfested in the disinfestation
facility of Camp BIb (the disinfestation gas chamber of BW 5a), as
SS-Untersturmführer Johann Schwarzhuber wrote to the camp command on 22
July.[37] But the sanitary situation was not yet under control, because, at
the beginning of July, two SS men doing service in the Gypsy camp and in
Camp BIb also contracted petechial fever.[38]
The majority of the deceased Gypsies belonged to a transport which had
reached the camp from Bialystok on 12 May 1943: 468 Gypsy men had been
registered under numbers Z-7666-Z-8133 and 503 Gypsy women under numbers
Z-8331-Z-8833.[39] The epidemic was confined to precisely these inmates,
according to Tadeusz Szymanski, Danuta Szymanska and Tadeusz Sniecko:
"The first cases of petechial fever occurred among the Gypsies who had been
interned in May 1943 from the voivodeship of Bialystok and from Austria.
Verified and suspected cases of petechial fever, approximately 900 persons,
were treated at the hospital."[40]
x x x clop x x x
Voisiko P de G selittää, mitä logiikkaa on siinä, että ensin hoidetaan
sairaalassa terveeksi ja sitten viedään kaasukammioon tapettavaksi???
juutalaisten lisäksi muitakin, esim mustalaisia, mutta nämäkin kaasutukset
ovat tietysti kommunistipopagandaa, oikeasti syöttivät mustalaisille
suklaata ja sairaalassa yrittivät sairaustuneita hoitaa, jne, siis niitä
harvoja jotka ylipäätään leiritettiin
x x x clip x x x
Starting on 3 October 1991, at the Auschwitz State Museum at
Auschwitz-Birkenau, an international conference was held on the topic of the
persecution of the Gypsies during the Second World War. The related papers
were published in 1998 in a book entitled Sinti und Roma im KL
Auschwitz-Birkenau 1943-44. Vor dem Hintergrund ihrer Verfolgung unter der
Naziherrschaft [Sinti and Roma in the Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp
1943-44. Against the Background of Their Persecution under Nazi
The volume, a compilation of 26 reports and a specific bibliography of 436
works, is an indispensable instrument for studying the matter.
The initial "specific" estimate of the number of Gypsies allegedly
exterminated under the National Socialist regime - 219,700 persons - was
adopted in 1972 by Donald Kenrick and Grattan Puxon in the book The Destiny
of Europe's Gypsies.[2] The "official" figure of 500,000 victims[3] was
subsequently imposed. This figure, in fact, appears in the above-mentioned
work[4], perhaps with a very wide range of variation-200,000-500,000[5] and
even 240,000-500,000-1,000,000.[6]
x x x
Yllä siis taas sitä holocaustisatuun uskovien "arvotaan seuraava uhriluku"
olevaa "kunnossa olevaa kirjanpitoa". Ja tuossa alla faktaa.
x x x
And Franciszek Piper once again called attention to Rudolf Höss's statement
that Gypsies of pure race, "as descendents of the primordinal Indo-Germanic
peoples in Hungary, in the region of Ödenburg (Sopron), should be
transferred to the region of Lake Neusiedl. In the future, after the
victory, it would be necessary to search for a new territory of settlement
for them."[13]
x x x
Jos olisi kaasutettu tai muuten tapettu, niin mihin tuota uutta asuinaluetta
olisi tarvittu??
x x x
The following persons shall be excluded from internment:
1. Sinti and Lalleri Gypsies of pure race;
2. Gypsy crossbreeds who are good crossbreeds in the Gypsy sense and
according to the decree of the Reichssicherheitshauptamt of 13.10.1942 - V A
2 no. 2260/42 - and 11.1.43 - V A 2 Nr. 40/43 - shall be integrated with
selected Sinti Gypsy families of pure race and Lalleri families considered
of pure race;
3. Socially adapted persons who had fixed employment and a fixed primary
habitation prior to registration of the Gypsies; [...]
6. Gypsy persons who are still engaged in their military service or who, in
the current war, have been discharged from military service as invalids or
with decorations".
x x x
Sintit ja lallerit siis vapautettiin leirittämisestä koska puhdasta rotua.
Samoin monta muutakin vapauttamisperustetta.
x x x
These orders categorically disprove the allegation that the Gypsies were the
object of racial persecution. Thus, "racial purity" was, for them, even a
guarantee of favorable treatment. The measures taken in their regard were
not inhumane, and are not consistent with a presumed intention to commit
x x x
Helena Kubica stresses that the Gypsies at Auschwitz, at least in theory,
were not treated as inmates, but as "internees who were to remain there only
until the end of the war, and their conditions were initially better than
those of the other inmates". This was particularly true with regard to food
for children.
x x x
Mustalaisia siis kohdeltiin paremmin kuin muita leiritettyjä, lapsillekin
suorastaan tuputettiin ruokaa.
x x x
The response to this letter came from Himmler's chancery on 15 April 1943
and was signed by Dr. Brandt:
'With regard to your request of 9.4.1943, I inform you that the
Reichsführer-SS has decided that both pregnant Gypsies lodged [at Auschwitz]
and their children must receive the food due to the eastern workers. For the
children, there is a need to find a suitable middle way according to the
regulations on eastern workers.'"[16]
Himmler's directive did not just remain on paper.
"In addition to better food and apart from the possibility of remaining
together with their mothers, in the autum of 1943, at the request of the
Gypsy camp physician, Dr. Josef Mengele, a nursery school was created in
Barracks 29 and 31 along with a day nursery for children up to the age of 6
at the same time. Barracks 29 was intended for unweaned babies, while
Barracks 31 was reserved for babies who already knew how to walk. In the
interval from [ages] 8 to 14, several hundred children were attended to by
staff consisting of inmates."[17]
x x x
Helena Kubica then adds that,
"based on a Himmler order, the children in the nursery were to receive a
special diet: milk, butter, white bread, broth or even marmalade and
x x x
Siis raskaana olevista naisista ja lapsista pidettiin hyvää huolta, koska
itse Himmler niin määräsi. Mutta eipä hänkään mitään sille mahtanut, että
tautiepidemiat riehui vastatoimista huolimatta.
x x x
Starting in mid-May, the entire camp was disinfested in the disinfestation
facility of Camp BIb (the disinfestation gas chamber of BW 5a), as
SS-Untersturmführer Johann Schwarzhuber wrote to the camp command on 22
July.[37] But the sanitary situation was not yet under control, because, at
the beginning of July, two SS men doing service in the Gypsy camp and in
Camp BIb also contracted petechial fever.[38]
The majority of the deceased Gypsies belonged to a transport which had
reached the camp from Bialystok on 12 May 1943: 468 Gypsy men had been
registered under numbers Z-7666-Z-8133 and 503 Gypsy women under numbers
Z-8331-Z-8833.[39] The epidemic was confined to precisely these inmates,
according to Tadeusz Szymanski, Danuta Szymanska and Tadeusz Sniecko:
"The first cases of petechial fever occurred among the Gypsies who had been
interned in May 1943 from the voivodeship of Bialystok and from Austria.
Verified and suspected cases of petechial fever, approximately 900 persons,
were treated at the hospital."[40]
x x x clop x x x
Voisiko P de G selittää, mitä logiikkaa on siinä, että ensin hoidetaan
sairaalassa terveeksi ja sitten viedään kaasukammioon tapettavaksi???
The truth is now called hate, but I'll defend it anyway.
The truth is now called hate, but I'll defend it anyway.